segunda-feira, janeiro 16, 2006

Pecados Mortais

Then he had thought about what his position actually was and the renewed shock had nearly made him spill his drink. He drained it quickly before anything serious happened to it. He then had another quick one to follow the first one down and check that it was all right.

''Freedom,'' he said aloud.

Trillian came on to the bridge at that point and said several enthusiastic things on the subject of freedom.

''I can't cope with it,'' he said darkly, and sent a third drink down to see why the second hadn't yet reported on the condition of the first. He looked uncertainly at both of her and preferred the one on the right.

He poured a drink down his other throat with the plan that it would head the previous one off at the pass, join forces with it, and together they would get the second to pull itself together. Then all three would go off in search of the first, give it a good talking to and maybe a bit of a sing as well.

He felt uncertain as to whether the fourth drink had understood all that, so he sent down a fifth to explain the plan more fully and a sixth for moral support.

''You're drinking too much,'' said Trillian.

His heads collided trying to sort out the four of her he could now see into a whole position. He gave up and looked at the navigation screen and was astonished to see a quite phenomenal number of stars.

''Excitement and adventure and really wild things,'' he muttered.

Em algumas culturas o consumo de bebidas alcoolicas é um pecado mortal. Na nossa galáxia segundo o Sr. Douglas Adams o consumo de alcool é algo de estrondoso. Na nossa cultura o consumo é permitido, encorajado, e incentivado.

E esquecer pecados bebendo? Curar um pecado com outro pecado... "I can't cope with it" pobre Beeblebrox como te entendo. Mas não vou seguir o teu caminho. Eu sei o que eu quero. E sim, vou curar um pecado com muitos outros pecados. Mas pecados que não me deixam desistir.

Queres pecar comigo? Queres aqui estar comigo?